“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.” Nikola Tesla

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Current Position

30/12/2021 – now

Assistant Professor, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

01/12/2016 – now

Visiting Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Professional Experiences


Assistant Professor (RTD-A), Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University of Naples Federico II

PON R&I 2014-2020Asse IV “Istruzione e ricerca per il recupero – REACT-EU”


Postdoctoral researcher, University of Naples Federico II

Italian PON I&C 2014-2020, Bartending Robot for Interactive Long Lasting Operations (BRILLO) research project.


Early-Stage Researcher, School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK

Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642667 – Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments – SECURE project


Researcher, University of Naples Federico II

PRIN 2010-2011, Security Horizons Project. Study of existing technologies for creating, managing and allowing the communication between Web Services. Design a graphical interface to allow users to interact with agent to create and manage personalized contracts, specifying their preferences, and to request an auction service. Design and develop an extension for WS– Agreement to allow the creation of SLA contracts between agents according their own preferences.


Researcher, University of Naples Federico II


Researcher, University of Naples Federico II

ORganization of Cultural HEritage for Smart Tourism and Real-time Accessibility (OR.C.HE.S.T.R.A) project. Testing support and user evaluation.


Researcher, University of Naples Federico II

2002 – 2012

Web Software Engineer, Developer and DB Architect freelancer, Self Employed, Naples.

2000 – 2011

Tutor, Self Employed, Naples

Topics: Microsoft Office Package, Technologies and standards for web development, Mathematics, Windows and Linux operating system administration, Programming and scripting languages (C, C++, PHP, Pascal, HTML, CSS, bash).


Researcher, ICAR-CNR, Naples

with Professor G. Schmid, Project “MIPHA: A Middleware Infrastructure for Pervasive HealtCare Applications”. The purpose of the project – in an enterprise cloud view – was to define a security infrastructure, implementing an experimental prototype, an administration management, to allow members of a virtual community to access to any computer’s applications, services and/or systems, regardless the location used and the based, preserving stability and security of system and data.


Apprenticeship, ICAR-CNR, Naples

with Professor G. Schmid, Study of (Open)Solaris authentication and authorization mechanisms. Design and development of a test–bed framework to integrate a new access control mechanism into the system. Publication of results to the international conference LISA’09



Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN project SECURE (Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments) PhD fellow, School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK

Thesis title: Investigating human perceptions of trust and social cues in robots for safe HRI in human-oriented environments

Principal Supervisor: Professor Kerstin Dautenhahn
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Kheng Lee Koay, Dr. Michael L. Walters


Fellows of the Higher Education Academy, Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, UK


Associate Fellows of the Higher Education Academy, Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, UK


MSc, Computer Science, University of Naples Federico II, Grade – 100/110.

Thesis title: Human Multirobot Interaction in Robot and Group Selection Tasks
Supervisor: Prof. Silvia Rossi.                                  Advisor: Prof. Roberto Prevete


S3WEB – Expert in Systems Management and Web/Software Development, University of Naples Parthenope and SAI – Sun Academic Initiative

Principal subjects and occupational skills covered: Web platform, Unix OS Administration, Web and operating system security, PHP, JAVA, SQL, PL/SQL, training for SUN Certificate Administrator for Solaris 10 and SUN Certificate JAVA Programmer, Information Systems Theory.


BSc, Computer Science, University of Naples Federico II, Grade – 95/110.

Thesis: Attributes Certificates-Based User Profiles in Unix–Like Systems: Setting Up User Environment
Tutor: Prof. Goivanni Schmid.                                 Advisor: Prof. Giuliano


English Language, Californian University, La Verne, in NATO’s Offices in Naples

I studied English from level III to level V (the levels are VII + a master)

Organisation of Scientific Events


                Co-organiser of RoboCup Humanoid League Virtual Season “sim2real” event


     Co-organiser of RoboCup Humanoid League Virtual Season competition


Co-organiser of Special Session “Social credibility in HRI”, IEEE RO-MAN 2021 conference


Technical and Organising committee member of RoboCup Humanoid League


Virtual Organizing Chair of IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2021


Main organiser and Guest Editor of Special Issue “Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Robot Interaction (SCRITA)” of Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics


Co-organiser of Workshop ” The Road to a Successful HRI: AI, Trust and ethicS – TRAITS ” ,  ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2021)


Main organiser of Special Session “The role of mental models and privacy implications on trust in Human-Robot Interaction.” at IEEE RO-MAN 2020


Social Media Responsible of IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2020


Registration Chair of IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2020


Co-organiser of tutorial “Hands-on with ROS” for Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops (V-RoHOW), June 25th – 28th, 2020


Main organiser of Workshop “The human in the loop: perspectives and challenges for robots’ behaviours in Robocup 2050” for Virtual RoboCup Humanoid Open Workshops (V-RoHOW), June 25th – 28th, 2020


Main organiser and Guest Editor of Special Issue “Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Robot Interaction (SCRITA)” of International Journal of Social Robotics


Main organiser of Special Session “Transparency and Trust in Human-Robot Interaction.” at IEEE RO- MAN 2019


Organisation team for SECURE and APRIL ITN Workshop on “Personal robotics and secure human-robot collaboration” as part of the IEEE ICDL-EPIROB conference, Oslo, Norway


Main organiser of Workshop “Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Robot Interaction (SCRITA)” held in conjunction with IEEE RO-MAN 2018 and 2019


Main organiser of Special Issue and Guest Editor “Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Robot Interaction” of Interaction Studies – Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems Journal


Program Chair of 2018 International PhD Conference on Safe and Social Robotics (SSR 2018), Madrid, 29-30 September 2018


Organisation Committee of Workshop “Social media and cyber security”, University of Hertfordshire ACM Student Chapter, Hatfield (UK), 5 December, 2017.


Organizing Committee of the XVI Workshop “Dagli oggetti agli Agenti (WOA 2015)”, June 2015, Naples

Commission of Trust


               PC member of UK-RAS Conference


               Associate editor for IEEE RO-MAN 2021


               Associate editor for ICSR conference 2021


               Associate editor for IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication


               Review activities, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2021)


PC member, Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots (cAESAR) Workshop at ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces


Review activities, International Journal of Social Robotics


Review activities, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2020)


Review activities, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics


Review activities, International Journal of Social Robotics (IJSR – SORO)


PC member, 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019)


PC member, UMAP 2019 Adapted interaction with social robot Workshop


PC member, International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction – HAI


Review activities for Journal of Paediatric Nursing


Referee duties at the Humanoid Robot Application Challenge – Robot Magic, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)


PC member, SSR 2018 conference


Review activities for 27th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication


Referee duties for RoboCup Competitions of Humanoid League (kid and teen size)


Review activities, Springer Journals Intelligent Service Robotics


PC member, PAAMS 2017 Workshop on Agent Methodologies for Intelligent Robotics, (AMIRA)


Review activities, Pattern Recognition Letters, International Association for Pattern Recognition


PC member, IEEE RO-MAN (eds. 2016, 2017 and 2018) Workshop on Behavior Adaptation, Interaction and Learning for Assistive Robotics


Review activities, for the 14th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi- Agent Systems, (PAAMS’16)





Rossi A., Chandran Nair, N., Rossi, S. Impact of Explanations on Transparency in HRI: A Study Using the HRIVST Metric

Silvia Coradeschi at RoboCup 2022

S. Rossi, C. Di Napoli, F. Barile, A. Rossi and M. Staffa. Negotiating and Executing Composite Tasks for QoS-Aware Teams of Robots.

Award of Best Poster

Award of Distinguishing research and RoboCup leadership

Award of Scientific Excellence

Invited Presentation and Talk


Invited talk “The road to social robotics: the role of acceptance, trust and personalisation in HRI” at PiRos Meeting of Sorbonne University


Panel member of the Workshop “Panel Discussion: How do I start a career in robotics?” organised by UK-RAS Network Public Engagement Manager as part of for the UK Festival of Robotics, 23 June 2022


Invited lectures “ROS” for the module HRI at the University of Naples Federico II (IT)


Invited speaker at the workshop on Blockchain Technologies for Robotic Systems (BCT4ROS’2019), held in conjunction with IEEE RO-MAN 2019. Talk title: “From smart robots to smart trust: prospectives and challenges of blockchain technologies in HRI


Invited talk for Women in Tech Herts. Talk title: “Human-Robot interaction


Invited lecture for the module 4COM1036 Human Dimensions, University of Hertfordshire


Invited lecture for the module 7WCM0005 Contemporary Issues in Information Technology, University of Hertfordshire

Institutional Responsibilities


Fire Warden, University of Hertfordshire, UK


12/11/2018 – 30/11/2018

Secondment at Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Stuttgart, Germany

01/07/2018- 31/07/2018

Secondment at SoftBank Robotics in Paris


May, 2022

       Member of the Gruppo di Informatica (GRIN)

November, 2021

 Member of Member of the IEEE P3108 “Recommended Practice for Human-Robot Interaction Design of Human Subject Studies” research group approved by IEEE SA and Robotics & Automation Society (RAS)

March, 2021

   TC and OC member of RoboCup Humanoid League

December, 2020

Member of Interdepartmental Center for Advances in Robotic Surgery (ICAROS) center, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.

December, 2020

Member of Projects of Intelligent Robotics and Advanced Cognitive Systems (PRISCA) lab, University of Naples

Federico II, Naples, Italy.

October, 2019


July, 2018

Member of IEEE

August, 2017

Member of the University of Hertfordshire ACM Student chapter, University of Hertfordshire

November, 2017

Member of Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA)

April, 2016

Member of RoboCup team Bold Hearts, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK

February, 2016

Member of Adaptive Systems Research Group, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK.

October, 2014 –

January 2016

Member of PRISCA (Projects of Intelligent Robotics and Advanced Cognitive Systems)) lab, University of Naples

Federico II, Naples, Italy.